

The domestic banana is the plant's birthplace. Southeast Asia.

How bananas grow. The plant is a herbaceous perennial. Most banana varieties grow too large, which makes them difficult to maintain as houseplants. However, there are dwarf species only 1.8 meters high. The leaves are smooth, wide, elliptical, shiny, 60 - 90 cm long, light green, arranged spirally. Only one inflorescence appears on each shoot - a brush bearing numerous flowers. A flowering banana is an impressive sight. Only plants older than 3 years bloom. Female flowers are located at the bottom of the inflorescence - 5 - 15 rows; in the middle - hermaphrodite or sterile flowers; male flowers are located at the top. The fruits are about 15 cm long and edible. After fruiting, the stem dies, but soon a new shoot appears from the rhizome. Some ornamental species have dark burgundy spots on the leaves or a completely red-violet leaf blade from below.


Height. 1.8 m, grows very quickly and adds 1 - 2 m per season.

Banana at home

Reproduction - growing from seeds 

Often propagated by dividing the rhizomes. Lateral shoots form at the base of the plant under a polyethylene cap at a temperature of 22 - 25 ° C. Sometimes propagated by seeds, but this is a long process. Seeds are obtained from ripe bananas, cleaned of pulp and washed with water. Seeds are sown in the spring, pre-soaked in warm water for 2 days.

Sowing is carried out in a moist, nutritious and well-drained substrate. If the seeds are kept in a warm room at a temperature of about 22 - 25 ° C under a cover of transparent plastic or glass, then germination can occur within 3 months. The first picking is carried out with the appearance of true leaves. Under favorable conditions, flowering can occur within 3 to 6 months. 


Containment temperature

For an indoor banana, the optimal range is 18 - 24 ° C. Lower temperatures stop the growth of the banana; frost can kill the plant. 


Flowering time 


Diseases and pests 

Bananas are susceptible to anthracnose and mosaic virus. If the leaves fold down from the central vein and acquire a brown tint, the plant is thirsty.

With proper care, plants are almost not susceptible to pest attacks.  When kept indoors, aphids, spider mites, mealybugs, nematodes, thrips, and weevils may appear.


Bright light. Plants are moved to a less lit place in the summer.

Banana care

Banana is rarely kept as a houseplant due to the size of the plant. Pruning will help maintain the plant's compact shape. Use pruning shears to remove damaged leaves. 

Soil for banana

Prefers moist soil rich in organic matter with good drainage. 



Regular. Bananas will not bear fruit without a constant supply of nutrients. Every 2 weeks during the period of active growth with a balanced fertilizer diluted by half.


Moderate indoor humidity is quite suitable for normal growth and development of the plant. 



Bananas love constant humidity; avoid stagnant water at the roots of the plant. Water frequently and deeply during the growing season, allowing the soil to dry out slightly between waterings during the colder months. 

Banana transplant

In the spring. Fast-growing banana plants require annual replanting in larger containers with larger drainage holes.
