Family. Myrsinaceae.
Origin. Southeast Asia.
Description. The genus Ardisia includes about 250 species of evergreen trees and shrubs, growing in humid forests in the warm-temperate regions of Asia, Australia, North and South America. It develops slowly and is grown for the sake of very showy, abundant bright red berries. Also, this plant attracts attention with glossy, dark green, oval leaves, serrated at the edges, the length of the leaves is about 15 - 25 cm, the width of the leaf blade is 5 cm. Small whitish or pale pink flowers, with a slight aroma, appear in the summer in the axils of the leaves and remain on the plant for many months. The plant bears small (about 6 mm in diameter) spherical berries. In general, the tree looks very attractive without flowers and berries, and it is easy to grow indoors, provided that it is properly pruned.
Height. The ardisia plant grows up to 1 m.
Caring at home
Reproduction - growing from seeds
Seeds are sown in spring. The planting material maintains good germination throughout the year - it is about 84 - 98%, and germination takes up to 40 days. Seeds can germinate in a wide range of soil types from acidic to alkaline at a temperature of 25 ° C and above.
Apical semi-lignified cuttings 10-15 cm long in spring in wet peat. Cover the container with a polyethylene lid to maintain humidity. Spectacular fruits appear on plants aged 2 years and older.
When does bloom?
Flowering time is May - June.
Gas and water permeable, with good drainage, nutritious with some sand content.
How to care and trim
Indoor plants need sufficient watering and lighting in the spring, when buds form. Prune long stems before flowering in the spring.
Only if necessary (in spring), when ardisia outgrows the pot.
Feed twice a month during the growing season with fertilizer in half the concentration, reduce feeding to once a month in the cold season.
Diseases and pests
Among the pests, spider mites, mealybugs, aphids and scale insects can pose a certain danger.
Containment temperature
The ardisia flower prefers moderate heat in summer - ideally 20 - 22° C, winter minimum - 7° C.
Give the plant a very bright place, but protect it from direct sunlight.
Spray ardisia regularly. Place the pot on a tray of damp pebbles to increase the humidity.
Maintain uniform humidity all year round; the substrate should not dry out.
For greater effect, plant several plants nearby if possible.
Cold drafts cause the buds to drop.
Ardisia crenata
A small, abundantly branching shrub with thin branches. The leaves are dark green, oblong-lanceolate, slightly bent along the central vein. The edges of the leaf blades have finely serrated teeth. The flowers are white or slightly pink, collected in small axillary inflorescences. The fruits are round berries and, when ripe, acquire a coral-red hue.
During the fruiting period, white ardisia decorates itself with numerous white or cream berries.