

Origin. Distributed very widely throughout the world.

Description. African myrsine is an evergreen, often multi-stemmed shrub or dense, abundantly branching tree. The leaves are glossy, round, small, green, sessile or with very short petioles, densely covering the stems. The edges of the leaf blades are smooth or covered with small teeth. Young leaves often have a burgundy tint. The flowers are small, cream or white, collected in small inflorescences that are located along the entire length of the stems. Plants are dioecious - divided into male and female. There are variegated varieties with white spots on the leaves.

Height. It grows slowly, in nature reaches 2 - 3 m in height, in culture the height of the plant is regulated by pruning.


Care at home

Flower propagation 

Seeds in the spring, but this is a painstaking and long process. Germination takes up to 40 days. The seeds can germinate in a wide range of soil types from acidic to alkaline at temperatures of 25°C or higher. By apical semi-ripe cuttings 10 - 15 cm long in spring in moist peat. Cover the container with a plastic cap to maintain humidity. Seed propagation is more successful than vegetative propagation. 


Tolerates a very wide range of soil conditions as long as the soil has good drainage. And pH in the range 5 - 5.5.

When blooms 

Flowering time is in spring.

How to care 

Myrsine needs adequate watering and light in the spring when buds form. Trim long stems at any time of year to give a compact shape and form a dense crown.


Diseases and pests

Among the insect pests, spider mites, mealybugs, aphids and scale insects can pose a certain danger. 


Replant in the spring, when the bush outgrows its pot. 

Temperature conditions

A heat-loving plant that is kept at temperatures from 22 to 30° C. Tolerates a wide range of temperatures - from 5 to 35° C. 


Provide a very bright place, but protect the flower from direct sunlight. If natural light is not enough, you can make up for the lack of light with fluorescent lamps.


Fertilize twice a month during the growing season with fertilizer at half concentration; in the cold season, reduce fertilizing to once a month.



Can be grown as a flowering bonsai or a large pot plant. 

Air humidity

Spray regularly if the air in the room becomes dry. Place the pot on a tray of damp pebbles to increase the humidity. 


Maintain uniform soil moisture in spring and summer, avoiding waterlogging. In autumn, reduce the frequency of watering; the top layer of soil should dry out before the next watering.


Grows well in hydroponics.
