

Where does grow? Brazil.

What it looks like. Guava are shrubs or small trees with mottled greenish bark and attractive serrated leaves 8 - 18 cm long. The leaf blades are dark green above, lighter below. Mature plants in the natural environment have small white flowers with a diameter of about 3 cm, which subsequently form round, oval or pear-shaped fruits. The berries have white, pink, yellow or even red flesh, taste sweet and sour and are very aromatic. The leaves and flowers have a pleasant aroma.

Height As a houseplant, it mainly takes the form of a shrub up to 1 m in height.


Home care


Trees are very sensitive to low temperatures and shed their leaves at the slightest drop. In winter, keep the plant indoors with a temperature of about 22 - 24 ° C.

Growing at home, pruning

Not a very demanding plant if you keep it warm. 


Guava is very light-loving, so in summer it will only need light shading. In winter, provide a brightly lit place.


Can be propagated in several ways, including seeds, grafting and air layering. Trees grown from seeds bear fruit less abundantly and only from the age of 8. Seed germination occurs within 2-8 weeks and must first be soaked in a small amount of water for two weeks or scalded with boiling water.



Nutritious soil with sufficient organic matter, well drained. 


Guavas are prized for their delicious, sweet fruit and are grown in tropical regions. The fruits are eaten raw or used in drinks, desserts and candies.

Pests and diseases

Young seedlings are vulnerable to pests such as aphids and whiteflies, thrips and fruit flies, and nematodes.


Flowering time

In home culture it blooms extremely rarely.


Liquid fertilizer at half strength throughout the growing season. Remember that young plants need more nitrogen than adults.


Repot young plants each spring, changing pot size if necessary. Prune in spring and early summer to maintain a neat, attractive shape.

Air humidity

Needs periodic spraying, depending on the air humidity in the room.

Water guava

Provide regular watering during the growing season, and reduce the frequency of watering in late autumn and winter. Do not allow the earthen ball to dry out. 
