Family. Myrtaceae.
Origin. Australia.
Description. Callistemon are evergreen trees or shrubs up to 2 m high with gray-green, hard, narrow-lanceolate leaves up to 8 cm long and about 2 cm wide. Large cylindrical fluffy inflorescences up to 10 cm long, consisting of many flowers and formed on the tops of shoots. Each flower bears very long stamens that are bright red, pink, white, salmon, rose or purple with yellow tips. After flowering, capsules containing seeds are formed, which can be stored on the branches for several years.
Height. As a houseplant it reaches a height of 1.5 - 2 m and grows quite quickly.
Caring at home
Propagated by stem cuttings 7-10 cm long, throughout the year. Rooting is carried out for 2-3 months in a mixture of wet peat and sand, the crops are covered with a transparent plastic cap or glass to maintain uniform humidity. Cuttings can also be rooted in a simple glass of water. Seeds are sown in the spring, it is advisable to use bottom heating. Pots with seedlings are placed in a warm place with a temperature of at least 21 °C. The first flowering occurs in a few months.
How to grow
Immediately after flowering, cut callistemon stems back to half length to maintain a compact shape. Reduce weak shoots by two-thirds of their length. Move the plant outdoors in summer, bringing it indoors when night temperatures drop below 7°C.
When it blooms
The flowering period is quite long. Buds form in spring.
The bush is replanted in the spring every two to three years, when new growth begins. This plant blooms best in cramped conditions, so do not rush to change the size of the pot. Use a plastic pot for planting. It easily tolerates transplantation and quickly adapts to new conditions.
Diseases and pests
Leaves wither when there is excess moisture - remove excess water from the pan after watering. Callistemon is very resistant to pests, but it can be attacked by spider mites, mealybugs and scale insects.
Soil for growing in a pot
A nutrient-rich, porous and well-drained peat-based soil with a large amount (up to 20%) of coarse river sand and a slightly acidic pH.
Containment temperature
In spring and summer, keep the plant at a normal room temperature of 16 - 24 ° C. In winter, the plant must be given a cool rest period at a temperature of 7 - 10 ° C.
Callistemon requires maximum sunlight throughout the year. A plant grown in shade does not bloom as profusely or refuses to bloom at all.
During active growth, feed every 2 weeks. Do not use fertilizers rich in nitrogen - the plants will not bloom as profusely.
Callistemon tolerates dry indoor air, but it will be better to increase the humidity using a room humidifier or by placing the plant pot on a tray of damp pebbles. The leaves can be sprayed periodically.
During active growth, water deeply, but allow the soil to dry out before the next watering. In winter, when the plant is dormant, water sparingly, keeping the soil only slightly moist. Callistemon will not tolerate drying out the earthen clod. Place the plant pot in a well-ventilated area.
Sometimes grown as a beautiful flowering bonsai tree.
Callistemons live for a very long time in indoor culture if they are provided with the necessary cool period of rest. Plants cleanse the atmosphere of harmful impurities.
Callistemon citrinus
A flowering multi-stemmed shrub from 1 to 3 m high. Abundantly branched shoots form a rounded crown of the plant; young stems have a slight fluff on the surface. The leaves are green, simple, on short petioles, narrowly lanceolate, entire, rigid, arranged alternately. The length of the leaf blades can be from 3 to 10 cm. The flowers are attractive, collected in small apical inflorescences - spikes, and have silky, long, straight, red stamens. When damaged, the leaves emit a very pleasant aroma with citrus notes.
Callistemon viminalis
Round, evergreen, profusely flowering shrubs with thin, drooping branches. The branches are abundantly covered with light green, hard, narrowly linear leaves 3 - 6 cm long. Large spike-shaped inflorescences with many petalless flowers are located at the tops of the shoots. Small flowers have fluffy, attractive, red stamens up to 1.5 - 2.5 cm long. The plant reaches a height of 8 m.
Callistemon speciosus
Compact, evergreen, flowering shrubs from 120 to 250 cm in height. The leaves are green, lanceolate, leaf blades and young shoots often have attractive pubescence. The leaf blades are entire-edged, rigid, from 4 to 10 cm long. The inflorescences are apical, 5 to 15 cm long, with bright crimson, petalless flowers with many long, straight stamens. Flowering is very abundant and shoots often bend under the weight of the inflorescences. When damaged, the leaves and stems emit an aroma reminiscent of eucalyptus.
Callistemon rigidus
Perennial flowering shrubs 3 - 6 m high. Abundantly branching, thin, flexible, often drooping stems form a rounded crown of plants. The leaves are very narrow, linear, matte, up to 12 cm long, green, and when damaged they emit a pleasant aroma. Young leaves and shoots have slight pubescence. The flowers are collected in small, attractive terminal inflorescences 4 to 7 cm long.