

Where does it grow? Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, dry subtropics.

How it grows. Feijoa or acca is a species that is often cultivated as a plant with edible fruits. In natural conditions - a tree, in indoor conditions - an evergreen shrub with pale gray bark and hard, dense wood. The leaves are opposite, thick, smooth, soft, leathery, short-petiolate and elliptical, glossy and green above and silvery below. Their sizes vary from 2.5 to 5 cm in length and from 1.7 to 2.5 cm in width. Flowers 2.5 cm in diameter, solitary or in corymbose inflorescences, showy, with bright red stamens crowned with large grains of yellow pollen, arranged solitary or collected in small axillary inflorescences. They appear late, from May to June.

Each flower has 4 - 6 thick petals, white with a hint of purple on the inside. The petals are slightly sweet and edible and can be used in salads. It is possible to pollinate flowers by hand, and it is almost 100% effective. For cross-pollination, two or more plants must be placed together. The fruits are pear-shaped or round berries ranging in size from 2 to 5 cm in length, with a waxy skin of blue-green, blue or grayish-green color. The texture of the skin varies - from smooth to rough. The fruits contain white, juicy pulp and sweet seeds, reminiscent of a combination of pineapple and guava or pineapple and strawberry, sometimes with a mint flavor.

Height. In nature up to 4 - 6 meters.


Care at home


Heat-loving plant, optimal temperature 25 - 30° C. In winter 14 - 18° C tolerates low temperatures well. 


Direct sun or light shade; in good light it develops more actively. 

How to care

Light pruning in the summer after fruiting will stimulate new growth and increase yields the following year. Artificial pollination is required to produce fruit.

Soil for feijoa

Turf, leaf, humus, sand - 3:1:2:1. Feijoas grow in a wide range of soils, but prefer well-drained soils with a pH between 5.5 and 7.0. 



Feed at home twice a month during the growing season with organic and mineral fertilizers.


The petals can be used in light salads, and if they are picked carefully, this will not affect fruiting. The fruits have a delicious mint-pineapple aroma. 

Flowering time

In June, lasts up to 1 month. 

Air humidity

Regular spraying - dry air leads to leaf fall.

Soil moisture

Moderate watering, do not allow the clod of earth to dry out. Lack of water will cause the fruit to drop. Proper drainage is very important for feijoas; they do not tolerate standing water.


Young specimens are replanted annually, large ones - as needed.


Seeds, semi-lignified cuttings, layering, root suckers, grafting.

The seeds are separated from the pulp, filled with water and the liquid is allowed to ferment for 4 days. Before sowing, the seeds are dried. Within 3 weeks, the seedlings sprout. Rooting of cuttings takes about 2 months, which requires heating to 30° C and stable moisture. Cuttings are more likely to be done by professionals; in water, cuttings do not produce roots at all. 

Pests and diseases

 Feijoa is a surprisingly resistant plant to pests and diseases. Occasionally it is attacked by scale insects and false scale insects, spider mites, and mealybugs.
