

Origin. Tropical Africa, Madagascar and Sri Lanka.

Description. Aerangis are epiphytic, sometimes lithophytic, small orchids that resemble vanda in appearance. They have large, waxy, star-shaped flowers, usually white, cream or yellow with a long spur full of nectar. Flowers with a diameter of 2.5 cm are collected in a drooping long inflorescence up to 30 cm, have a pleasant, rather intense aroma, intensifying at night. Aerangis flowers begin to smell fragrant on the second night after opening, and on the third they open completely. The petals are long and narrow, the lip is flat. The leaves are succulent, fleshy, back-lanceolate with parallel veins, arranged in two rows, up to 25 cm long and 6 cm wide, dark green with a lighter underside.

Height. Up to 50 cm.


Aerangis - home care

Temperature conditions

A heat-loving plant, the optimal temperature is 20 - 25° C, the dormant period is not pronounced, but it is worth giving some coolness - 18 - 20° C. 


Orchids require very bright light, but not exposure to direct sunlight.


Aerangis are best grown in hanging baskets. These orchids are not often found in collections, although they are quite easy to care for.

Substrate for orchids

Fern fibers (for small plants), several pieces of rough fir bark or sphagnum moss.



During the growing season 2 times a month.


Ideal for orchid collectors! These are unique, miniature plants. 


Flowering time

Winter - spring, sometimes again throughout the year with proper care.

Air humidity

Maintain evenly high humidity, but without spraying, use a humidifier. 


Water orchids at home

Use soft water and allow the substrate to dry before watering again. In winter, watering is reduced.


As necessary, replace the substrate with a fresh one or as soon as the plant begins to outgrow the pot, in the spring approximately every 2 to 3 years.


Quite easy to grow from seeds. Dividing adult plants. 


Pests and diseases

Sunburn on leaves, leaf spot, rot.

Among the pests, spider mites, scale insects, and mealybugs can pose a certain danger.