

Origin. Mexico, Panama, Brazil.

Description. The genus Galeandra consists of 30 species of epiphytic or terrestrial orchids. Pseudobulbs are large, up to 40 cm long, oblong - fusiform or ovoid. The leaves are arranged in two rows, appear in the spring and remain on the plant for several weeks, green, folded, leathery, pointed, fall off during flowering. A peduncle up to 70 cm high bears from 1 to 20 spectacular flowers, collected in an inflorescence - a loose panicle. Flowers are about 5 cm in diameter, with a spotted lip, the upper part of which is often pubescent. Shades range from soft green, pink to white and purple.

Height. Up to 1 m.


Home care

Temperature conditions

Loves cool conditions with a temperature of 15 to 20 ° C. 



Lighting is moderate with shading from direct sunlight. 



A fairly easy to grow orchid.

Substrate for orchids

Based on thin bark or sphagnum, well drained and breathable.


2 times a month during the growing season, do not feed during the dormant period.


Cut flowers remain fresh in water for a long time - up to 1 month, and can be used for cutting. 


Flowering time

Summer, long flowering - often more than a month.

Air humidity

Galeandra prefers high humidity and good air circulation around the plant. They do not tolerate cold drafts. Place the pot on a tray with wet pebbles or use a humidifier.



Water regularly during the warmer months - about once every two days - and gradually reduce watering as winter approaches. Adult plants are quite drought-resistant and in winter their pseudobulbs may even shrink.



Adult plants - once every 2 years to change the substrate to fresh. Young - as they grow and develop. When replanting, try not to damage the delicate root system.


Seeds that are sown in spring in loose, nutritious and well-moistened soil. Seedlings are kept warm - above 25 C. under a plastic cap to maintain humidity. Use apical cuttings in the summer, after keeping them in water for 1 - 2 days. Children.

Pests and diseases

Spider mites sometimes appear as pests.

Spider mite