Family. Orchidaceae.
Origin. Central and South America.
Description. Gongoras are epiphytic sympodial small orchids with thin white aerial roots. Pseudobulbs are ribbed, conical or ovoid, up to 8 cm long. In some species, pseudobulbs can produce up to six peduncles in a row. Each pseudobulb has at the top 2 leathery thin leaves with clearly defined veins about 30 cm long. The vertical peduncle bends over time under the weight of the flowers and bears a racemose inflorescence with numerous flowers 3 - 5 cm in diameter, which often have a spicy aroma. Color shades range from yellow, orange, brown, maroon with contrasting spots and specks.
Height. 25 - 50 cm.
Care at home
Temperature conditions
For abundant flowering, a difference in day and night temperatures is desirable. The ideal daytime temperature range is 18 - 24 ° C, at night - 12 - 18 ° C. In winter, the plant goes into a dormant period and should be kept at a temperature of about 16 ° C.
A well-lit place without direct sunlight. In winter, additional lighting with fluorescent lamps may be required.
Promptly remove flower stalks with faded flowers. In summer, it is possible to keep it outdoors, protected from wind and rain, in partial shade.
Substrate for orchids
Well drained, acidic pH, nutritious and loose. A mixture of sphagnum moss, peat and pine bark with river sand to improve drainage and the addition of small pieces of charcoal.
Feed 2 times a month during the period of active growth. To form buds, use fertilizers with a high content of potassium and phosphorus.
Gongora is often grown in hanging baskets.
Flowering time
Mostly summer - autumn, but can occur at any time of the year, flowering is long.
Air humidity
Spraying is necessary once or twice a day. Be sure to use warm, soft water for spraying. Place the plant pot on a tray of damp pebbles to increase air humidity. Don't forget to ventilate the room.
Water orchids at home
Gongoras do not like drought, so keep the soil evenly moist. Water sparingly in winter.
Only if necessary, in the spring.
Gongora reproduces by separating pseudobulbs in the spring.
Pests and diseases
Rotted due to stagnation of water and waterlogging.
Among the harmful insects, spider mites and scale insects are sometimes found.