

Origin. Southeast Asia and New Guinea.

Description. The genus Dendrochilum includes about 120 - 150 species of evergreen epiphytic orchids that naturally grow on trees and rocks. Ovate or cylindrical pseudobulbs up to 8 cm long bear 1 - 2 elliptical leaves at the top. The leaves are hard, sessile or on small narrow petioles, up to 55 cm long. Peduncles are erect or curved, multi-flowered, up to 50 cm high. Miniature, fragrant, star-shaped flowers, as a rule, are located on the peduncle in two rows in an amount of up to 30 pieces. Flower colors range from cream to pale yellow, with some species having orange or red flowers.

Height. Up to 50 cm.


Home care

Temperature conditions

In spring, summer and autumn, normal room temperature. For flowering, it is desirable to achieve a difference in night and day temperatures. During the rest period - 13 - 15 ° C. 


In summer, moist, shaded conditions must be provided. In winter, it is even possible to place the plant in direct sunlight.

Substrate for orchids

Based on sphagnum moss, peat, pine bark. Water and gas permeable, loose and well drained.


During the growing season, apply liquid orchid fertilizer at half strength every 2 weeks. For bud formation, use liquid fertilizers with increased potassium and phosphorus content.


Flowering time

Spring or autumn, depending on the species.

Air humidity

Spraying should be done once or twice a day, morning and evening, with soft water at room temperature.  To increase air humidity, you can also use a room humidifier or place the plant pot on a tray with wet pebbles.


Water orchids at home

Water regularly and deeply in the summer, only allowing the top layer of soil to dry out slightly between waterings. Reduce the frequency of watering in autumn and winter. 


Adult dendrochilums are replanted every 2-3 years. Replanting should be done when the plant has finished flowering.


When replanting, divide the bush into several parts. Make sure that each seedling receives its own leaves, pseudobulbs and roots as a result of division.

Pests and diseases

Rotting due to waterlogging and stagnation of water at the roots can lead to the death of the plant.

Harmful insects sometimes include mealybugs, spider mites, aphids, thrips and scale insects.
