Family. Orchidaceae.
Origin. O. Madagascar, subtropics of Asia, Australia and America.
Description. A widespread genus of terrestrial, rarely epiphytic orchids, containing about 150 species. Calanthe are divided into evergreen and deciduous, the latter bloom for a long period of time and often have repeated flowering. The leaves are ribbed, dark green, 10 - 50 cm long and 5 - 15 cm wide. Relatively small underground pseudobulbs have a rounded shape. Each pseudobulb bears an unbranched, often pubescent peduncle 15 - 35 cm high, which has 5 - 40 small but showy, fragrant flowers up to 5 cm in diameter.
Flowers open sequentially, from the base of the peduncle. The lip of the flower is often a different color than the petals, and sometimes has spots and markings that contrast with the base tone. The lateral petals are wide and rounded. The colors vary from white, yellow, greenish-brown, purple, to almost black and red-brown.
Calanthe - planting and care
Temperature of keeping an orchid
For evergreen species, normal indoor temperatures may be suitable year-round. The ideal range is 15 - 27 ° C. Species that need a period of rest are kept in winter at a temperature of 10 - 12 ° C for 2 - 3 months.
Lighting for the flower
A brightly lit location without direct sunlight. During the dormant period in deciduous species, lighting does not play any role, since orchids lose the entire above-ground part.
How to care for calanthe
This is one of the most unpretentious orchids, in addition, its dark green leaves are decorative in themselves and the plant looks good even when it is not blooming. Remove damaged and wilted leaves and flowers.
Substrate for orchids
A standard orchid growing mixture or soil consisting of 40% garden soil, 40% dry pine bark, and 20% perlite or coarse river sand to improve drainage.
Feeding calanthe
Fertilizers for orchids in half concentration 2 times a month. Reacts well to organic fertilizers.
Calanthe can be grown in hanging baskets. Cut flowers remain attractive for a long time in a vase with water.
Flowering time
Autumn and winter. Flower stalks in deciduous species appear only when the leaves turn yellow and begin to fall off. The flowering period can last for 3 - 4 weeks.
Air humidity
Avoid spraying the foliage as it may become spotted. To increase air humidity, use a room humidifier or place the plant pot on a tray of damp pebbles. Do not install calanthe near heating appliances or air conditioners that cool the air.
Water orchids
Evergreen calanthe are watered regularly. Calanthe that shed their leaves begin to be watered in the spring, when the first shoots appear. As soon as the leaves begin to turn yellow, the frequency of watering is gradually reduced. The top layer of soil should dry out between waterings.
Calanthe are replanted after flowering, and deciduous ones - in May. Use pots with large drainage holes.
Reproduction of calanthe
By separating pseudobulbs after flowering or by dividing large mature plants in early spring to produce new growth. After planting new pseudobulbs, only bottom watering is used, since unrooted plants may rot.
Pests and diseases
Rotting due to stagnation of water at the roots. Among the harmful insects, the flower can be attacked by spider mites, mealybugs, scale insects, and aphids.