Family. Orchidaceae.
Origin. Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia.
Description. The genus "Cochlioda" contains 6 species of stunning miniature epiphytic plants. The pseudobulbs are ovoid, slightly wrinkled, up to 5 cm long. The leaves are green, oblong-lanceolate, leathery, up to 30 cm long. The inflorescences are large, arched, racemose, sometimes branched with numerous bright flowers in shades of yellow, orange, lilac, red and pink.
Height. Peduncles reach a height of 45 cm.
Care at home
Temperature conditions
Moderately warm keeping at a temperature of about 20 ° C in the summer during the daytime, with a decrease at night to 15 ° C. In winter, they are kept in a cool room with a temperature of about 12 - 14 ° C.
Very bright reflected light. Direct sun exposure to the leaves of the plant during the daytime is unacceptable.
Substrate for orchids
The soil must provide access to air and moisture to the roots. Choose a ready-made mixture for orchids or create your own substrate from pine bark, perlite, small pieces of charcoal, sphagnum moss and, of course, peat.
It is recommended to feed with fertilizers at half the concentration during the period of active growth and flowering. During the dormant period, feeding is stopped.
Looks very decorative when grown in hanging baskets.
Flowering time
From December to April.
Air humidity
Surround the cochlioda pot with damp sphagnum moss to increase humidity. Place the plant on a tray of damp pebbles to increase humidity, or use a room humidifier. Make sure the bottom of the plant pot is above the water level in the tray. Daily misting can be done with soft, room-temperature water, being careful not to get it on the flowers and buds. Good air movement allows stagnant water to evaporate faster.
Water the orchids until the soil is completely wet. During the warm season, the pot with the plant can be placed in a warm bath for a few minutes. The top layer of soil must dry out before each subsequent watering. In autumn and winter, the frequency of watering is reduced, but the earthen coma is not allowed to dry out. Excess moisture from the pan must be drained.
Try to replant only when necessary - when the bush has outgrown the pot or when the old soil needs to be replaced with fresh soil. Never replant flowering specimens. Adult orchids need to be replanted on average every 2-3 years.
By separating pseudobulbs or dividing large adult plants during spring replanting.
Pests and diseases
Rotting occurs when water stagnates at the roots and drops fall on buds and leaves without sufficient ventilation.