Family. Orchidaceae.
Origin. Central and South America.
Description. Lemboglossums are evergreen epiphytic orchids with oblong green pseudobulbs, from the top of which 2 - 3 lanceolate leaves about 15 centimeters long rise. Typically, each pseudobulb produces two tall peduncles, each of which contains 12 - 15 flowers with a diameter of about 5 - 6 centimeters. The flowers have a pleasant aroma, very colorful - white, brown, burgundy, lilac, with all kinds of spots and contrasting marks. Each flower has a very large corrugated tooth and long, rather narrow side petals.
Height. In room conditions it usually reaches 50 centimeters.
Home care
Temperature conditions
From the beginning of growth until the dormant period, these orchids are kept at a temperature of about 22 - 24 ° C with a difference of up to 15 - 16 degrees at night. During the dormant period, the temperature is reduced to 12° C. Do not expose the plant to temperatures below 10° C.
Prefers a brightly lit place without direct sunlight.
Substrate for orchids
A standard orchid mix consisting of fern fibers, sphagnum moss, peat, leaf humus, with the addition of coarse river sand to improve drainage. The flower substrate should be well permeable to moisture and air and have a slightly acidic pH.
During the growing season, orchids begin to be fed with fertilizers diluted to half the recommended dose every two weeks. A fertilizer solution that is too concentrated can burn the plants' tender roots. During the dormant period, feeding is stopped.
Flowering time
Spring - summer, long flowering, lasting about 5 weeks.
Air humidity
The bushes are kept in high humidity. To increase humidity, use a tray with water covered with a grid, on which, in turn, the pot is placed. Make sure that the bottom of the pot does not come into contact with water. You can surround the pot with a layer of wet sphagnum moss or use a room humidifier. Spraying the leaves is not recommended, as water can leave unsightly white spots on them.
Lemboglossums are watered in the warm season so that the soil dries out almost half between waterings. In autumn, the frequency of watering is reduced. For irrigation, it is advisable to use only soft water - for example, rain or bottled water.
Adult specimens are replanted in the spring every two to three years. Never replant flowering plants.
Large bushes are divided during transplantation, and each resulting seedling should have several of its own leaves and fairly well-developed roots.
Pests and diseases
If kept too dry, red spider mites and mealybugs appear on plants.