Family. Orchidaceae.
Origin. Northeast Asia.
Description. A miniature, monopodial epiphytic orchid - Neofinetia falcata - does not have pseudobulbs. The leaves are long, belt-shaped, green, often arranged in two rows, pointed, up to 10 cm long. Inflorescences are up to 8 cm long, contain 3 - 15 white, lilac, greenish, cherry, yellow or pale pink flowers up to 3 cm in diameter. The flowers are very fragrant – their scent is reminiscent of jasmine and intensifies at night.
Height. As a rule, it does not exceed 7 - 8 cm in height, but can grow up to 15 cm.
Caring at home
Flowering time
It blooms in summer - in June and July, flowering can last up to 2 months.
For watering, use soft rain or distilled water at room temperature. Allow the soil to dry out a little before each subsequent watering. During active growth, water deeply.
Orchid care
The main difficulty in care is maintaining a high level of air humidity. Promptly trim off yellowed leaf blades and fading buds that appear at the base of the plant. Pruning the plant should only be done with a sharp and sterile instrument.
Reproduction of neofinetia
Daughter basal shoots that often form around the mother bush.
Diseases and pests
Rotting due to excess moisture in the soil, anthracnose. Among the harmful insects, scale insects, mealybugs, thrips, aphids, and spider mites can pose a certain danger.
Containment temperature
During the dormant period, it is advisable to keep it in cool conditions - during the daytime the temperature should be 12 - 13 ° C, at night - 3 - 4 ° C. In spring and summer, ordinary room temperature is suitable, but it is advisable to organize a difference between day and night temperatures. A cool dormant period is not a prerequisite for abundant flowering.
Orchids should receive bright, but reflected sunlight. In autumn and winter, it is quite possible to illuminate plants with fluorescent lamps.
Soil for growing
A standard orchid mix containing sphagnum moss, fern fibers, pine bark, small pieces of charcoal, perlite, vermiculite or coarse sand to improve drainage. Neofinetia can grow in almost any nutrient-rich substrate with good drainage.
Feed during the growing season 2 times a month from April to September - October with fertilizers for orchids in half concentration. Closer to autumn, fertilizers with a low nitrogen content are used.
Air humidity should be 40 - 60%. Surround pot with a layer of moist sphagnum moss or use a room humidifier.
Adult specimens are repotted every 2 years in late winter or early spring. Before planting, wrap the roots with sphagnum moss; the base of the plant should be slightly higher than the edge of the pot - this way the roots will get more air. Be careful not to damage the delicate root system when repotting. For this type of orchid, there are special clay pots with a large hole to drain excess moisture.