Family. Orchidaceae.
Origin. Most from South America.
Description. Oncidium is an extremely large and diverse genus that contains over 450 species of evergreen, terrestrial, epiphytic or lithophytic orchids. The pseudobulbs are oblong, the leaves are long, belt-shaped, green, and hard. The peduncles are erect or drooping, branching, rise above the foliage and bear dozens of very brightly colored small flowers with a diameter of 5 to 10 cm, yellow, white, red, pink, green or brown.
Height. Depends on the specific species and can range from 25 to 80 cm.
Caring at home
Keep the soil slightly moist during the growing season. On warm summer days, you can soak the orchid in a large container of warm, softened water. Make sure that the bases of the pseudobulbs are always above the surface of the water. This procedure allows the pieces of pine bark in the ground to be saturated with moisture. Oncidiums are able to store a reserve of water in their pseudobulbs, which makes them drought-resistant. In the fall and winter, the soil should become almost dry between waterings. Sometimes the pseudobulbs even dry out due to lack of moisture.
The best time to repot is considered to be the beginning of new growth, shortly after flowering. Replant plants every 1 - 2 years. When replanting, the roots should be cleared of old soil. For growing oncidiums, unglazed clay pots that can allow moisture and air to pass through are considered the most suitable. Position the plants so that the pseudobulbs remain above the soil surface. The root system is inspected and old and rotten roots are removed, and the cut areas are sprinkled with crushed charcoal. After planting, do not water for a week, giving the flower the opportunity to adapt to the new conditions and dry out the wounds on the roots.
Flowering time
Depending on the species and conditions of detention, flowering can occur at any time of the year, but, as a rule, occurs in spring and summer. Many hybrids can bloom 2 or even 3 times a year with proper care. Flowering lasts for several weeks.
Reproduction of oncidium
By division during transplantation. Each division must have at least 4 pseudobulbs.
Some species are unsuitable for indoor culture. With good care, oncidiums can bloom annually.
A standard orchid mix containing sphagnum moss, fern fibers, pine bark, small pieces of charcoal, perlite, vermiculite or coarse sand to improve drainage.
Diseases and pests
In indoor culture they are quite resistant to diseases and pests. In insufficient light, it may drop its buds. Leaves can rot if there is insufficient air movement. Among the pests, the plant can be attacked by spider mites, mealybugs, thrips, scale insects, aphids, and whiteflies.
Containment temperature
In general, the temperature regime depends on the specific plant type. The optimal temperature during the day is from 18 to 24 ° C, at night from 13 to 16 ° C. The difference between day and night temperatures is necessary for this orchid to form flowers. In winter, some species require a cool dormant period at a temperature of 12 - 15 ° C. When kept at room temperature both in winter and summer, increase the frequency of watering and air humidity.
How to feed oncidium
Water-soluble fertilizers for orchids during the period of active growth every 2 weeks. Fertilizers are diluted to half the recommended dose.
Orchids need plenty of light, but not direct sunlight. If there is a lack of lighting in autumn and winter, supplementary lighting with fluorescent lamps is used. Plants with thin and delicate leaves can tolerate partial shade, but specimens with thick ones need a lot of light.
High air humidity is very important for orchids. Place the plant on a tray of damp pebbles to increase humidity, or use a room humidifier. Make sure the bottom of the plant pot is above the water level in the tray. Daily spraying can be done with soft water at room temperature, being careful not to get it on the flowers and buds. Good air movement allows stagnant water to evaporate faster.
Many species look great when grown in hanging baskets.
Grows well in hydroponics.
Oncidium Twinkle
Abundantly flowering hybrid oncidium with green, gracefully arched, belt-shaped leaves and thin, drooping inflorescences with small, numerous, bright flowers up to 1.5 cm in diameter. Flowering can occur at any time of the year. Flower petals can be painted in white, yellow, orange, burgundy, pink, and lilac shades. The scent of the flowers is reminiscent of vanilla.
Oncidium Sweet Sugar
A fairly large sympodial orchid with oblong pseudobulbs reaching a height of 9 cm. The leaves are belt-shaped, dark green, glossy, reaching a length of 35 cm. Each pseudobulb can produce 3 leaves. The peduncles are curved, thin, branched, with many small flowers with corrugated golden-yellow lips. The flowers reach a diameter of 3 cm. Flowering can occur at any time of the year.
Oncidium Twinkle Red Fantasy
Compact flowering orchids with slightly flattened, light green pseudobulbs and long, glossy green, strap-shaped leaves. The leaf blades may be slightly bent along the central vein. The peduncles are thin, sometimes drooping, and bear many small, pinkish-burgundy flowers with a vanilla aroma.
Oncidium Sharry Baby
Tall sympodial orchids with belt-shaped, curved, green, entire leaves. There are variegated varieties with longitudinal stripes on the leaf blades. The peduncles are thin, reach a height of 100 - 120 cm, and often need support. The flowers are small, pinkish-burgundy, with large white lips. During the flowering period, the plants emit a very pleasant vanilla-chocolate aroma.