Family. Orchidaceae.
Origin. Asia.
Description. The genus Renanthera consists of 22 species of epiphytic, less often lithophytic, large, evergreen orchids. The leaves are green, narrow, belt-shaped, smooth, arranged in two rows. The inflorescences are very large, branched with a large number of flowers in shades of yellow, orange, green and red with contrasting spots and dots. The flowers open at the same time.
Height. 50 cm – 4 m.
Care at home
Temperature conditions
Daytime temperatures range from 24°C to 29°C, and nighttime temperatures range from 16 to 18°C. In autumn, lower night temperatures stimulate the formation of flower stalks. During the winter months, the temperature should not fall below 15° C. Higher temperatures will cause the orchid to grow faster, but it will require maintaining higher humidity and air circulation, as well as more frequent watering.
Provide bright light throughout the year and the renanthera will reward you with abundant blooms. It is possible to provide additional illumination on short winter days using fluorescent lamps. Direct sunlight can cause leaf burns.
In summer, the flower pot can be placed in the garden in the shade of trees, provided that the air temperature remains above 15 °C. The long flower stalks of the plant may require support.
Substrate for orchids
Must contain large pieces of pine bark, coconut shells, charcoal. Renantera prefer clay pots over plastic ones because the walls of clay pots breathe, allowing air to reach the orchid's roots. These plants are epiphytes, which means that their aerial roots take nutrients and moisture from the surrounding atmosphere.
During the period of active growth, regularly apply complex fertilizers every 2 weeks. During the winter months - every month. Remember not to fertilize your orchid when it is almost dry, as this can cause severe damage to the roots.
Most often, renanthera is grown in hanging baskets.
Flowering time
Orchids can bloom 2 or 3 times a year if they are well cared for. Buds form at any time of the year, but most often in spring and summer, which is facilitated by bright light and cool nights.
Air humidity
Orchids require very high humidity. The ideal relative humidity for Renantera is between 75-85%, but if the plant is kept in conditions of excessive humidity without air circulation, it may begin to rot. Place the pot on a tray of damp pebbles or use a humidifier, as misting can cause unsightly spots on the leaves. It is important to remember that the higher the humidity level you maintain, the more air movement there should be.
Orchids are watered in the morning with warm water. If you grow renanthera in hanging baskets, you can water it daily. In the warm season, watering should be frequent and abundant, in the cold months the frequency of watering should be reduced.
The flower does not like damage to the root system, so it should be repotted as rarely as possible. Repotting is really necessary when the soil is completely destroyed and rotting or when the plant has really outgrown the pot. Aerial roots may stick out of the pot, but this is not a sign that repotting is necessary. Renantheras should only be repotted in the spring every two to three years. Before repotting, trim off damaged roots with a sterile cutting tool.
Propagated by pseudobulbs and division of large specimens.
Pests and diseases
Large, rough, black spots on the leaves are sunburn - move the plant to light shade. Yellowed and faded leaves indicate a lack of nitrogen. Mosaic virus causes both pale and dark streaks on orchid leaves.
Among insects, the plant can be attacked by mealybugs.