

Homeland of the plant. Madagascar, Asia, Africa.

Description. Pandanus is a large genus of approximately 650 species of evergreen, dioecious trees and shrubs. The leaves are green, long - up to 1.5 - 2 m, belt-shaped, glossy, arranged spirally. The edges of the leaf blades are finely serrated. With age, pandanus forms a short trunk, which carries the remains of dead leaves. Small male and female, fragrant flowers are formed on individual plants, collected in large inflorescences up to 60 cm long and up to 25 cm in diameter. On female plants, after flowering, fruits resembling cones are formed. Variegated varieties have yellow or white longitudinal stripes on the leaves. Pandanus is sometimes called a house palm, but this is not true and there is only an external resemblance.

Height. It develops quite quickly and by the age of 6 and older it reaches a height of more than 1 m.


Home care


Separation of lateral shoots with aerial roots. Seeds are sown in spring, the first shoots appear after 2 weeks - 1.5 months. Seedlings are kept at a temperature of at least 25° C. Using stem cuttings. 

When blooms 

Pandanus very rarely blooms in indoor culture.


How to transplant 

Replant the houseplant in the spring to the same depth it was in the previous container. Pandanus forms aerial roots, which should be covered with soil in the fall. When replanting, try not to disturb the root system. Young specimens are replanted annually in fresh soil, slightly increasing the volume of the pot. Mature trees need to be replanted every 4-5 years. For very large plants, the replanting of which causes difficulties, the top layer of soil 5-7 cm thick is replaced with fresh soil annually in the spring.

How to prune

Pandanus does not require careful care and is suitable for beginner gardeners. Remove old yellowed leaves to maintain a beautiful appearance.

Diseases and pests 

The leaves and root system of the plant rot when there is excess moisture. With a lack of light, pandanus stretches, its growth slows down, and the leaves of variegated varieties lose their attractive color. Mealybugs, red spider mites, scale insects.



To improve drainage, a mixture of garden soil with the addition of peat and leaf humus, charcoal and coarse river sand is suitable. The tree easily tolerates heavy soil, but prefers nutritious soil.


Keep the soil evenly moist in the spring and summer when the pandanus is growing. Between waterings, you can dry the top layer of soil about 1 - 3 cm thick. In autumn, reduce the frequency of watering and in winter the soil simply should not dry out completely. 



During the growth period, feed with liquid fertilizers every 2 weeks. In autumn and winter, feeding is stopped.


Pandanus is a heat-loving plant and can be kept at a temperature of 20 - 22 ° C all year round. In winter, do not expose to temperatures below 13 ° C. At high temperatures, the frequency of watering and air humidity should be increased. 


Conditions of detention - lighting

Pandanus will be happy to sunbathe in the morning and evening hours; during the day it will require shading from the scorching rays of the sun. In autumn and winter, it is advisable to place the plant in the brightest place. 

Air humidity

Can tolerate dry indoor air, but it is better to slightly increase the air humidity using a tray of damp pebbles or a room humidifier. The leaves of the plant can be sprayed with water at room temperature, providing a place where there is good air movement. When spraying, droplets of moisture should not fall into the growing point or leaf dust - this will cause rotting. 



A beautiful and undemanding plant that should be given enough free space for growth and development. 


Pandanus can live indoors for a long time with minimal care. Some species are poisonous - keep the plant away from children and pets. Strong fibers are extracted from the leaves of the plant, which are used to make ropes and weave baskets. When handling the plant, be careful or use gloves - you can easily injure your hands on small protrusions located along the edges of the leaf blades.


Grows well in hydroponics.



Pandanus veitchii

An evergreen ornamental deciduous tropical plant that forms a trunk with age. The leaves are hard, linear, blue-green, cover the trunk in a spiral, reach a length of 120 cm. The surface of the leaf blades is glossy. In their natural habitat, adult plants form long aerial roots, which serve as additional support. There are small spines along the edges of the leaf blades. Pandanus is a dioecious plant, meaning male and female flowers appear on separate specimens. The male flowers are very small, attractively scented, and appear in drooping inflorescences surrounded by large white bracts. Female flowers are collected in small greenish inflorescences. 

Pandanus veitchii

Pandanus sanderi

In its natural habitat, the plant is a fairly large tree with a height of 3.5 to 5 m. With age, these trees form branched, thick trunks. The leaves are arranged in a spiral on the trunks; dead leaves leave horizontal scars on the stems. The edges of the leaf plates are armed with very hard, sharp thorns. The leaves are dark green, linear, reach a length from 80 to 180 cm, a width from 4 to 8 cm. The male flowers are small, white, fragrant, collected in inflorescences - brushes. Female flowers are collected in small umbrellas. 

Pandanus sanderi

White variegated pandanus Sander is a plant with longitudinal white or cream stripes in the center of the leaf blade. 

variegated pandanus