
Family. Passifloraceae.

Origin. Northern Madagascar.

Description.  Adenia grows in the shade in a dry forest, usually between rocks. It is in demand as a garden plant, but is grown mainly by specialists - collectors of succulents. Adenia is a shrub or vine that forms a tangle of twisted stems on a hard, conical green caudex. The inflorescences consist of several flowers, axillary. Pale yellow or greenish small flowers with five petals open in spring and summer and are not of interest. The caudex of adenia is globular or bottle-shaped, wrinkled, can grow up to two meters in height (usually 50 cm in height) and up to 25 or even 30 centimeters in diameter. The leaves are heart-shaped, from purple-violet to dark green with dark red veins.

Height. About 50 cm.


Reproduction - adenia from seeds

By seeds (vegetative propagation is possible, but plants obtained from cuttings do not form a caudex). Bushes for obtaining seeds are usually grown from cuttings, as they bloom more abundantly. The germination period is 2 - 3 weeks, good germination is observed only in fresh seeds.

Pests and diseases of adenia

Adenia very prone to rotting in cool, damp conditions.  If the pH is not maintained, the leaves turn yellow and fall off.

One of the pests is the spider mite.

Spider mite

Adenia flowering time

Spring Summer.

Adenia - care at home

Temperature conditions

Due to its African origin, Adenia needs to be kept warm even in winter; the minimum safe average temperature is 15 °C, and it can tolerate a drop to 10 °C for a short time. The flower does not like large temperature fluctuations.


Needs good light, but the caudex should be in the shade, while the leaves prefer full sun.



Adenia grow very slowly, but the growth rate can be increased by providing sufficient water, heat and fertilizer during the active growing season. In winter, the branches die off and need to be pruned to stimulate branching and maintain a compact shape. 

Soil for adenia

Very porous soil with the addition of pumice and perlite, feels better in fairly acidic soil.


Complex fertilizer 2 times a month in half concentration or slow-release fertilizers. 


Air humidity

No special requirements.


Water frequently during  the growing season with soft water, but keep the substrate almost dry during the winter after the branches have died. When watering, you can add lemon juice to the water to acidify it. 



A very impressive stem succulent for lovers of rare plants.


Replant once every two years in pots with large drainage holes.


The plant is poisonous.