

Origin. Southern Europe and Western Asia.

Description. Almond is a deciduous tree with a dense crown up to 10 m high in its natural habitat. The leaves are long - up to 13 cm, green. The leaf blades have a serrated edge. The flowers are fragrant with 5 petals, arranged singly or in pairs, often appear before the leaves grow and cover the tree so abundantly that it looks like a white or pink cloud. The fruits are oblong drupes with a single seed and ripen 7 to 8 months after flowering. The first fruiting of young plants occurs at 6-7 years of age.


Height. In cultivation, the height of the plant can be adjusted by pruning.

Almonds - planting and care at home

When it blooms 

Almond flowering time is March and April.  


Growing homemade almonds, pruning 

Sweet almonds are not as difficult to grow indoors as they might seem. Trim old and diseased branches with a sharp, sterile tool to keep the plant looking neat.


Almonds are used in confectionery or simply eaten fresh. 


Containment temperature

Almonds are heat-loving and prefer temperatures from 15 to 30° C.


Seeds that are sown in the spring, having previously subjected them to cold stratification for 2 - 3 months. The germination period can take up to 1.5 years. Semi-ripe stem cuttings, in spring and summer.


Transplanting almonds 

As they grow, young plants are transplanted into larger pots. Mature plants are of impressive size and replanting them is difficult - replace the top layer of soil with fresh one every year, in the spring. 


Diseases and pests 

Leaf spots, powdery mildew, rust. Rotting of an almond plant due to stagnation of moisture at the roots.

Of the harmful insects that can pose a danger to the tree, spider mites appear when there is insufficient air humidity, and aphids. When kept outdoors, a leaf roller, an almond seed beetle, various caterpillars, a codling moth, and a bark beetle may appear.

Lighting for indoor almonds

A very well-lit place with shade from the scorching summer sun during the daytime. Sufficient lighting will promote abundant almond flowering. 



Grows well in soils with good drainage. To do this, add a large amount of coarse river sand to the soil. 



During the growth period, feed almonds with liquid complex fertilizers every 2 weeks.


If the indoor air becomes dry - for example when the central heating is on - increase the humidity using a tray of fine wet gravel or a room humidifier.


Abundant watering of almonds during the growth period with drying of the top layer of soil. In autumn, the frequency of watering is reduced to a minimum. 
