Family. Rubiaceae.
Origin. India.
Description. Evergreen shrubs and trees with erect, highly branched stems. Glossy, dark green, hard, pointed leaves up to 15 cm long are arranged oppositely on small petioles or in whorls of 3. The leaf blades of young leaves often have a bronze tint. The flowers are bright, with 4 petals, numerous, white, yellow, orange, pink, or red, up to 2.5 cm in diameter, collected in inflorescences - round umbrellas with a diameter of 7 - 13 cm.
Height. In indoor culture, the plant maintains a compact shape and grows quite slowly. In culture up to 30 cm.
Ixora - care at home
Constantly keep warm at normal room temperature 21 - 25°C, do not expose the plant to temperatures below 16°C.
Propagated by cuttings 5 - 8 cm long, taken in the spring when pruning the plant. Place the lower end of the cuttings in rooting powder and immerse them in damp peat mixed with sand. Cover the pots with crops with a transparent plastic cap or glass and place in a warm place with a temperature of 21 - 27 ° C. Rooting occurs within 4 - 6 weeks.
Requires access to direct sunlight in the morning and evening for approximately 3 hours a day. Organize shading on summer days.
When blooms
In natural conditions it blooms almost without interruption. In cultivation, flowers appear from May to October. With proper care, repeated flowering is observed throughout the year.
Prune the plant after flowering to maintain a neat, compact shape.
The plant likes somewhat cramped conditions, so you should not change the size of the pot every year. The root system is small and when grown in a cramped pot, flowering will be more abundant. Ixora is replanted in March, and after the procedure it is watered carefully.
Needs loose, nutritious, well-drained soil with an acidic pH of about 6 - 7. A mixture of garden soil with peat or leaf humus, with the addition of a small amount of charcoal and river sand, is suitable.
During the growing season in spring and summer, feed 2 times a month with complex fertilizers. During the autumn and winter periods, you can continue to feed monthly.
Air humidity
High humidity is required. Using a humidifier helps to increase the humidity level. Place the flower pot on a tray with wet pebbles or spray the plant with warm soft water.
Watering ixora
Water moderately during the growing season. Allow the top layer of soil to dry out between waterings. During the winter holidays, simply protect the earthen ball from drying out completely. Watering is reduced after flowering for a period of 1 to 1.5 months, and then resumed. Do not use hard, cold water for irrigation.
Pests and diseases
Sunburn appears on the leaves when exposed to direct rays. If overwatered, especially in the cold season, the plant may rot. When exposed to drafts, especially cold ones, the ixora sheds its leaves. With a lack of light, flowering will not be as abundant or will not occur at all. When a flowering plant is moved to different light or temperature conditions, it drops its buds.
Among the pests, spider mites, aphids and scale insects may appear.