

The birthplace. South Asia and Tropical Africa.

Description. The genus "Coffea" consists of 40 species of evergreen trees or attractive shrubs with flexible, abundantly branching stems. The leaves are opposite, dark green, glossy, elliptical, up to 15 cm long, leaf blades have wavy edges. At the age of 3 - 5 years, these plants bloom for the first time with white star-shaped flowers with the scent of jasmine, each about 1 cm in diameter. With proper care, the flowering is very abundant. The flowers give way to round green berries, about 1.5 cm in diameter, which become red and even almost black when ripe. Each berry contains 2 coffea beans.

Height of indoor plants. In nature, coffea trees grow up to 5 m, in indoor cultivation they rarely exceed 1.5 m. There are dwarf varieties whose height is only 50 - 60 cm.


Caring at home


In summer, completely soak the earthen ball and allow the top layer of soil to dry before the next watering. In winter, the frequency of watering the coffea is reduced, but does not allow the soil to dry out completely. For irrigation, it is advisable to use soft bottled or rain water at room temperature. 


How to care 

Many people think that the tree is difficult to grow at home, but this plant does not require special care. With proper care, it actively grows and blooms, and also bears fruit with artificial pollination. The bush tolerates pruning well, even quite strong, which is carried out in early spring. With the help of pruning, you can get a compact bush with a dense crown. In the warm season, you can take it outside to protect it from wind and rain.



Feed your coffea plant regularly during the growing season - approximately every 2 weeks in spring and summer.

Diseases and pests 

The bush sheds its lower leaves when there is a sharp temperature change or when it is overcooled. The tips of the leaves dry out when there is insufficient air humidity.

Of the harmful insects on the leaves, you can see scale insects, mealybugs, spider mites, whiteflies, nematodes and aphids.


Стеблевые черенки длиной около 15 см, летом. Основания черенков присыпают корневином и помещают во влажный торф. Горшки с молодыми растениями кофе накрывают стеклом или прозрачным пластиковым колпаком для поддержания влажности и ставят в теплое место - не ниже 27 °C. Укоренение занимает 8 - 16 недель. Свежие семена высевают весной в рыхлую питательную почву при температуре 25 - 30 °C, причем сторона со срезом должна быть сверху, а плоская сторона - снизу. Посевы присыпают слоем почвы толщиной 2 - 3 см. Прорастание происходит в течение 4 - 6 недель при повышенной температуре воздуха. Со временем семена растения быстро теряют всхожесть.



Transplantation is carried out in the spring, before the onset of the active growth phase. If the pot becomes too small for the plant, slightly increase the volume of the container. It is not worth replanting coffea immediately into a container that is too large, since moisture can accumulate in excess soil. For large specimens, replace 5-6 cm of old soil with fresh soil. When replanting young plants, observe the planting depth and ensure that the main taproot is located vertically.


When it blooms 

Flowering time is from  mid-summer to autumn.


Use nutrient-rich soil with an acidic pH, such as peat-based soil.


The temperature range from 16 to 24 ° C is considered optimal for the development of a coffea plant. If the winter is too cold - less than 13 ° C, coffea trees may shed their lower leaves. Loves stable temperature conditions; any changes should be acclimatized gradually. 



Well-lit location without direct sunlight during the day. In the morning, the plant may be exposed to sunlight, but not for long. In autumn and winter, provide the coffea with maximum light. 


To keep the tree healthy, it needs high humidity. Place the pot on a tray with wet pebbles or use a humidifier. Misting can leave whitish spots on the leaves. Coffea does not like cold drafts.



Coffea trees provide us with the famous invigorating drink. In Ethiopia, the plant is considered medicinal and is used in folk medicine. The coffea drink increases heart rate, tones, invigorates, increases the secretion of gastric juice, increases blood pressure and dilates blood vessels, and has a diuretic effect. The caffeine contained in the plant is used in many medicines. Coffea beans have found their use in cooking - they are added to various desserts.