

Origin. East Asia and Himalayas.

Description. The small genus " Luculia " consists of 5 species of evergreen and deciduous, flowering shrubs or small trees. The leaves are large - 20 - 35 cm long, elliptical, soft, arranged in opposite pairs. Large inflorescences - umbrellas with a diameter of up to 20 cm appear on the tops of the stems and consist of many flowers. The flowers are fragrant, pink, lilac or white, with a long, thin floral tube. The aroma of the buds is reminiscent of gardenia or vanilla.

Height. Up to 6 meters in the natural environment, in indoor culture it is regulated by pruning.

Home care

Temperature conditions

The flowering period will be longer if the luculia is kept cool - with a temperature below 16°. However, it is quite difficult to maintain such a temperature indoors. At temperatures around 20°, flowering will last 3 - 4 weeks maximum. In winter, during the dormant period, keep the plant at a temperature of 4 to 7 ° C, while ensuring very good air movement and gradually increase the temperature of the contents as new growth appears. 


The flower needs a well-lit place without scorching sun rays. When kept outdoors in summer and spring, the pot is placed in partial shade.


The root collar should not be exposed to direct sunlight. Indoor maintenance is not as difficult as it may seem. After flowering, the stems are cut by 1/3 of their length. To make the bush look thicker, young shoots are pinched just above the first pair of leaves.


Well drained, nutritious and loose, a mixture of heather soil, peat and coarse sand is suitable to improve drainage. pH from 6 to 6.5.


During the period of active growth, feed 2 times a month. Luculia prefers acidic soil - feed it with fertilizers for heather plants.

Flowering time

May June.


Air humidity

It tolerates dry air in residential premises quite calmly.

Soil moisture

During growth and flowering, abundant and regular watering is required. The soil should always remain moist. If luculia is grown in an acidic substrate, use soft water for watering. From late autumn, the frequency of watering is reduced.


Repotting is done in January or February. For large specimens, the top layer of soil is replaced with fresh substrate annually.


Propagated by cuttings 10 - 15 cm long in June or July, rooting them in water. Each cutting should have at least 2 pairs of leaves and an apical bud; remove the lower pair of leaves. Dip the lower end of the cutting into the rooting preparation. Cover the plantings with a plastic cap or bag to maintain humidity levels. After 3 weeks, remove it and water the plants regularly. Seeds. 

Pests and diseases

Flowers and leaves dry up due to lack of water. Immerse the pot in water for 3 minutes and let the excess moisture drain. Leaves turn yellow due to lack of light. Watering with too hard water can cause chlorosis. The plant stops growing due to lack of nutrients.

Pests include nematodes, mealybugs, spider mites, and aphids.


Potted luculias can live 3 - 4 years in the house. The main difficulty in keeping it is to provide the plant with a cool dormant period with constant ventilation. 
