

Origin. Africa, Asia.

Description. Mussaenda are perennial, evergreen, tropical shrubs or subshrubs. The leaves are elliptical or ovate, arranged oppositely, green, 15 - 18 cm long. The lower surface of the leaves is often pubescent. The flowers are small, with 5 oblong petals, funnel-shaped, collected in inflorescences - brushes on the tops of the shoots. The main attractiveness is given by bright bracts up to 7.5 cm long, red, white, yellow, orange or pink.

Height. In indoor culture it is usually from 60 to 100 cm.


Growing at home

Temperature conditions

The optimal temperature range is from 18 to 24 ° C. Mussaenda is thermophilic and does not tolerate prolonged coolness - do not expose the plant to temperatures below 18 ° C. It likes stable temperature conditions; it should be acclimatized to any changes gradually.


A well-lit place without direct sunlight during the day. In the morning, the bush can be in the sun, but not for long. In autumn and winter, provide maximum lighting. When grown in partial shade, flowering will be less abundant, and the bracts may lose their brightness.


Mussaenda is a demanding plant that needs careful and competent care. It tolerates pruning well, even quite severe, which is carried out in early spring - when new growth is just beginning. By pruning you can get a compact bush with a dense crown. Pinch the tips of young shoots to develop a dense crown. You can place the tree outside under protection from wind and rain in the warm season. 



Use nutrient-rich soil with an acidic pH between 5.0 and 6.0, such as peat-based soil. The soil must be perfectly permeable to moisture.


Feed regularly during the growing season - about every 2 weeks in spring and summer. Mussenda responds well to organic feeding.

Flowering time

From mid-summer to autumn, for a long period. Single flowers may appear at any other time of the year.

Air humidity

High. To keep the tree healthy, it needs high air humidity - about 70 percent relative. Place the pot on a tray with wet pebbles or use a humidifier. Spraying is not recommended - it can leave whitish spots on the leaves.

Soil moisture

In summer, completely soak the earthen ball and allow the top layer of soil to dry before the next watering. In winter, the frequency of watering is reduced, but does not allow the soil to dry completely. For irrigation, it is advisable to use soft bottled or rain water at room temperature.


Transplantation is carried out in the spring, before the active growth phase. If the pot has become too small for the root system, increase the capacity slightly. It is not worth transplanting into too large a pot, as moisture can accumulate in excess soil. For large specimens, instead of transplanting, replace 5-6 cm of old soil with fresh soil.



Stem cuttings about 15 cm long, in summer. The bases of the cuttings are dusted with rooting powder and placed in moist peat. Pots with young plants are covered with glass or a transparent plastic cap to maintain humidity and placed in a warm place - at least 27 ° C. Rooting takes 4 - 6 weeks. Reproduction is difficult. 

Pests and diseases

Mussaenda sheds its lower leaves when overcooled. The tips of the leaves dry out when there is insufficient air humidity. When watered with tap water, plants suffer from chlorosis.

Among the harmful insects, spider mites, scale insects, and whiteflies sometimes appear.
