Family. Schisandraceae.
Where does grow? Japan, Korea, China.
What does look like? Illicium - they are attractive evergreen shrubs or small trees with erect stems.
The leaves are smooth, elliptical, olive green, up to 15 cm long and 2.5 - 5 cm wide, arranged alternately, on small petioles, and when damaged they emit a pleasant aroma.
Flowers are single, up to 5 cm in diameter, burgundy, red, yellow-green, with very long petals, located in the axils of the leaves, and have an unpleasant odor.
The fruits of this plant are very interesting, similar to a star-shaped flower, up to 3 cm in diameter.
Variegated varieties of illicium have white stripes along the edge of the leaf blade, various white spots and marks on the upper side, or a uniform yellow color.
Height. In nature, illicium reaches 15 m and grows slowly. When kept at home, the height of plants can be adjusted using formative pruning.
How to grow at home
Trim illicium stems after flowering to create a neat, compact shape. Carry out pruning with a sharply sharpened and sterilized pruner or garden knife.
Plants are propagated by apical cuttings or seeds, as well as root suckers. Only freshly harvested seeds come out well.
In spring and summer, normal room temperature is suitable, but during the cold season it is better to place illicium in a cooler room with a temperature of 6 - 10 ° C.
Prefers partial shade. Plants grown in the shade have beautiful dark green leaves, while illiciums placed in the sun take on a yellowish green color. Direct sun is only permissible if the soil moisture increases.
This shrub prefers sandy soils with an acidic pH, but easily adapts to any type of soil.
Fertilize twice a month in spring and summer - when the bush is actively developing. Stop fertilizing in autumn and winter.
Flowering time
From March to May.
Spray when the indoor air becomes too dry, for example when the heating is on.
Keep the soil evenly moist in spring and summer, always water illicium until the earthen ball is completely soaked. In the autumn-winter period, reduce watering. Do not use hard water for irrigation.
In spring, annually. For large specimens, simply replace the top layer of soil with a fresh one.
Pests and diseases
Grown for its attractive aromatic leaves and flowers.
Essential oils obtained from illicium leaves are used in folk medicine. The leaves are added as seasonings to various dishes and drinks. Remember that the leaves and fruits of some species are toxic.
Illicium verum
A short, strong, evergreen tree. The leaves are oblong - lanceolate, green, with numerous branched veins, collected in whorls of 3 - 6 pieces. The surface of the leaf blade is glossy. Illicium flowers are white, with long and thin petals and yellow stamens, collected in small inflorescences or solitary.