Family. Scrophulariaceae.
Origin. North and Central America.
Description. Penstemon is a large genus of about 250 species of perennial plants. The stems are tall and erect. The leaves are green, 5 - 8 cm long, oblong-lanceolate or oval, arranged oppositely. The flowers are of very bright colors, resemble a snapdragon in shape, are arranged in tiers, open sequentially - from bottom to top, with a diameter of up to 5 cm. The shades of the flowers vary between white, pink, purple, and burgundy. Some varieties have two-colored flowers, and the leaves may be purple.
Height. Depending on the type, it can range from 10 cm to 3 m.
Planting and care
Reproduction - growing from seeds
Propagated by semi-mature stem cuttings 8-10 cm long in late spring and summer. Rooting can be done in plain water. Seeds that are sown in spring. Seeds need light to germinate, so just press them lightly into the soil, but do not cover them. Germination of planting material depends on freshness. Plants obtained from seeds collected at home may not inherit the beauty of their parents. Germination occurs in about 1-2 weeks. Division of large, adult bushes during transplantation.
Penstemon is often grown as an annual shrub and does not need repotting. When grown as a perennial, repotting is done every 3 years, in the spring, when new growth begins.
Flowering time
Spring. Repeated flowering occurs in autumn.
Growing, pruning
To extend the flowering period, promptly remove faded penstemon buds. After flowering, shoots with faded flowers are removed to allow re-blooming.
Diseases and pests
Excess nutrients in the soil lead to abundant growth of green mass at the expense of flowering. Bushes can rot if moisture stagnates at the roots. Harmful insects do not bother the flower.
Normal room temperature is suitable for growing from spring to autumn. In winter, keep the temperature no higher than 15° C. Some specimens can tolerate frosts down to -10° C if they are in dry soil.
Representatives of this genus prefer a brightly lit place with direct sunlight in the morning and evening. The bush can be grown in partial shade, but in such conditions it will stretch out and weaken.
For potting, fertile, organically rich soil that is moist but well-drained is suitable. Penstemon prefers soil with a slightly acidic pH of about 6.0 - 6.5.
During the growing season, feed every 2 weeks. If there is an excess of nutrients, the plant will grow abundant green mass to the detriment of flowering, and will become elongated and disheveled. To form flower buds, use fertilizers with a high phosphorus content.
Penstemon needs regular watering, but make sure that the water does not stagnate in the pan. The plant must have good drainage. Allow the soil to dry to a depth of about 5 cm between waterings.
Spray periodically. Place penstemon in constantly ventilated areas with good air circulation.
Often used in landscaping loggias, terraces and balconies. Flowering shoots do not lose their freshness for a long time when cut.
Penstemon digitalis
A perennial herbaceous plant 90 - 150 cm high. The leaves are green, oblong, spear-shaped, up to 15 cm long. The peduncles have small, oppositely located, lanceolate leaves with a finely toothed edge. The flowers are white, bell-shaped, about 2 cm in diameter, collected in loose inflorescences - panicles on the tops of vertical stems. On the outside, the flower petals have slight pubescence.
Penstemon barbatus
A relatively compact variety, the height of which varies from 60 to 90 cm. A perennial herbaceous plant with rigid, erect stems, abundantly branched at the base. The leaves are linear, narrow, dark green, sessile. The leaf blades are entire, slightly bent along the central vein. The flowers are tubular, collected in loose panicles, pink, coral or red, with 5 rounded, fused petals.
Penstemon hartwegii
A perennial herbaceous plant up to 70 - 80 cm high. The stems are erect, branch abundantly at the base, and bear spear-shaped, green, glossy leaves. Very bright, attractive, bell-shaped flowers in shades of lilac, red, and pink appear at the top of the stems in early summer. The center of the flowers has a white tint.
Penstemon cobaea
Herbaceous plants with branching vertical shoots reaching a height of 30 - 60 cm. Each bush is capable of forming 15 - 20 flower stalks. The leaves are green, spear-shaped, covered with slight pubescence. The flowers are bell-shaped, pink, lilac, purple, white.
Penstemon hirsutus
Compact herbaceous perennial, reaching 40 - 60 cm in height. The stems are strong, erect, covered with slight pubescence. The leaves are green, opposite, oblong-spear-shaped, with small teeth along the edge of the leaf blades, sessile. The flowers are tubular, long, appear at the top of the shoots, lilac, white or pink. The inner surface of the petals is often colored in contrasting white.
Penstemon davidsonii
Low-growing, perennial, ground cover plant with lodging, creeping shoots. With age, it forms dense grassy mats. The leaves are small, succulent, broadly lanceolate or spoon-shaped, green. The flowers are pink, lilac or purple, tubular, abundantly covering the plants.
Penstemon scouleri
Low-growing flowering perennials, thin stems of which do not exceed 30 cm in height. The leaves are green, long, lanceolate, reaching 5 cm in length. The edges of the leaf blades sometimes have small teeth. The flowers are lilac or purple, less often - white or pinkish, tubular, up to 5 cm long. Flowering is very abundant.