

Origin. India, tropical America.

Description.  Doryopteris should not be confused with the shield fern - these are completely different plants. The fronds are dark green, up to 60 cm long, leathery, shiny. Sterile leaves are similar to maple leaves, and fertile ones are branched, reminiscent of deer antlers. The surface of the leaf blades is glossy. The rhizome is short, creeping, covered with lanceolate scales 3-4 mm long.

Height. Up to 60 cm.


Home care

Temperature conditions

Can be kept at room temperature all year round; winter minimum is 12 ° C.


Grows and develops well in partial shade, does not tolerate direct sun rays. 


Based on peat, with the addition of leaf humus, coarse sand and perlite to improve drainage.


During the period of active growth, feed with liquid fertilizers 2 times a month. 


Flowering time

Doesn't bloom.

Air humidity

Maintain high humidity by spraying with warm water or placing the plant pot on a tray of damp pebbles, and using a room humidifier.

Soil moisture

Keep the soil moist at all times of the year. 


Doryopteris is replanted in spring into loose nutritious soil. Adult specimens can be replanted every 2-3 years.


By spores, division of large adult plants or daughter offspring.
