Family. Theaceae.
Origin. West Africa.
Description. The genus "Cleyera" includes 18 species of evergreen trees and branching shrubs with a dense, rounded crown and smooth bark. The leaves are glossy, dark green, oblong-lanceolate, 7 - 10 cm long, on short petioles. There are attractive variegated forms with a white or pink stripe along the edge of the leaf blade. Only the emerging leaves have a reddish tint. The flowers are small, cream-colored, with 5 rounded petals, fragrant, in axillary inflorescences. After flowering, yellow, dark red or black berries with black seeds appear on the cleyera.
Height. When grown indoors, the height rarely exceeds 1 m and develops slowly.
Home care
Temperature conditions
Normal room temperature in spring and summer, in winter it is advisable to place in a cool room with a temperature of 10 - 13°C, do not expose to temperatures below 7°C.
It tolerates partial shade well, but it would be better to place it in a brightly lit place with light shading from direct sunlight during the daytime.
Slow growing and rarely needs pruning. As new growth begins, cut long stems back to half their length in the spring to encourage better branching. The incision is made at a slight angle. Pinch the tips of new shoots regularly and remove faded flowers and damaged or dead branches.
Well-drained, acidic soil based on leaf humus and peat. When grown in soil with an alkaline pH, the leaves of cleyera may turn yellow.
During the growing season, feed with liquid fertilizers every two weeks.
Flowering time
Green-leafed cleyeras bloom in spring - early summer. Variegated leaves bloom quite rarely.
Air humidity
When grown in warm conditions, it requires high humidity all year round - use a tray with wet pebbles or a room humidifier. Do not expose the bush to cold drafts.
Soil moisture
Young plants need uniform moisture, and adults acquire resistance to short-term droughts. During the period of active growth, water until the soil ball is completely wet. Before the next watering, the top 1 cm of soil should dry out. During the dormant period, dry the top third of the substrate. Use softened bottled or rainwater for watering.
Repot the cleavers in the spring when they outgrow the pot. This species does not like frequent repotting and takes a long time to recover from the procedure.
Cuttings about 7 - 10 cm long, in spring. A couple of leaves are removed from the lower end of the cutting and dipped in rooting powder. The seedlings are covered with a transparent plastic cap or glass and placed in a room with a temperature of about 21 °C. Rooting occurs within 6 - 8 weeks in a mixture of peat, moss and sand.
Pests and diseases
If there is insufficient air humidity, the cleyera may shed its leaves. The plant bares the stems from below when the soil gets too dry.
Of the harmful insects, the main danger is posed by spider mites, aphids, whiteflies and scale insects.