Family. Urticaceae.
Origin. Mexico, China, Japan.
Description. Boehmeria is a perennial herbaceous plant up to 1 m tall, sometimes branched. Despite the solid appearance of the trunk, it does not form real wood; the trunk is hollow. The plant has huge, up to 30 cm, rounded leaves, covered with hairs with a characteristic odor. Variegated forms are available. The stems are light green, tetrahedral or round, glabrous or slightly pubescent. The leaves, as a rule, are located opposite, sometimes alternately, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, up to 25 - 30 cm long on long thin petioles. The upper surface of the leaf blade is dark green, smooth or slightly pubescent, the edges are coarsely serrated. Green or greenish-white small flowers without petals appear from the axils of the upper leaves in inflorescences - panicles. Boehmerias are usually dioecious, with male and female flowers.
Height. Up to 100 cm.
Care at home
Temperature conditions
Regular room temperature is ideal throughout the year; it cannot tolerate temperatures below 15° C.
Reproduction of boehmeria
Seeds sown in spring in a warm greenhouse. By cuttings or dividing adult plants.
Can grow in partial shade. When grown in a sunny location, this plant prefers moist soil, and the foliage may turn yellowish green.
Flowering time
From August to September, but rarely blooms in cultivation.
Suitable for light sandy and loamy soils with good drainage. There are no special requirements for pH.
Pests and diseases
Boehmeria leaves dry out when the root system is affected by rot or when there is insufficient air humidity.
Of the harmful insects, the flower can be attacked by aphids and spider mites.
Every month during the warm season.
Used to produce silky fiber in the textile industry.
Air humidity
Spray periodically, especially during the heating season.
Abundant and regular, with some reduction in winter.
In the spring, change the soil as it grows or becomes necessary.
Some types can only be worked with gloves to avoid skin irritation, since the pain from the burn is felt for a long time.
Boehmeria macrophylla
A beautiful evergreen plant, very reminiscent of nettles. It has green, soft, lanceolate leaves with large teeth along the edge of the leaf blade. The leaf veins are slightly recessed, the surface of the leaves is glossy. The flowering is inconspicuous.
Boehmeria argentea
It is distinguished by the presence of short light fluff on the leaves, which gives the plant a silver tint.