Family. Urticaceae.
Origin. Southeast Asia.
Description. Pellionias are low herbaceous evergreen perennial plants or subshrubs with creeping stems. When stems come into contact with the ground, they can take root in leaf nodes. The leaves are large - 5 - 8 cm long, oblong-lanceolate, alternately arranged, on short petioles or sessile. The edges of the blades are serrated, and the undersides of the leaves are often burgundy-purple. The color of the leaves is varied and includes all shades of green, burgundy, pink and purple. During the flowering period, it produces tall leafless peduncles, on the tops of which are inflorescences - panicles with many small and inconspicuous flowers. To prevent the bushes from wasting energy on flowering, the peduncles are often removed.
Height. The long stems can reach 45 - 60 cm.
Care at home
Temperature of the flower content
Pellionia is a heat-loving plant and can be kept at normal room temperature throughout the year. During the winter months, the temperature should not fall below 13 ° C.
A brightly lit location without direct sunlight.
When bloom?
Flowering time is in the second half of summer; flowering is of no interest.
How to care
Pellionia is fairly easy to grow. Long stems can be pruned to create a compact shape. Remove weak and diseased shoots. Pinch the tips of young shoots to encourage lateral shoots.
It is often propagated by stem apical cuttings 7-10 cm long, taken during pruning in spring or early summer. The lower leaves are removed from the cuttings and they are dusted with growth hormones, young seedlings are placed in a warm place with a temperature of about 25 °C. Rooting is carried out in wet peat with the addition of sand, under a glass cap for 3-5 weeks. Seeds are sown in spring. Large specimens are divided in spring, during transplantation.
Nutritious soil consisting of sphagnum moss, leaf humus, peat. To improve drainage, coarse river sand is added.
From spring to autumn, feed with fertilizers every 2 weeks. Relates well to organic fertilizers.
A valuable ornamental foliage plant, Pellionia can be grown in hanging baskets and pots, and as a groundcover species.
Air humidity
High humidity is required – place a humidifier near the bush or surround the pot with a layer of wet sphagnum. You can spray the leaves with soft water at room temperature. Pellionia does not like drafts – keep the flower away from doorways.
Water regularly throughout the year, allowing the soil to dry out slightly before each watering. Excess moisture from the pan should be drained a few minutes after watering.
Pellionia is transplanted into shallow pots in the spring.
Pests and diseases
Leaves can get burned if exposed to direct sunlight. Plants rot if there is insufficient drainage, too frequent watering or too low a temperature. Of the harmful insects, whiteflies, spider mites, mealybugs, and aphids can pose a certain danger.
Pellionia can live indoors for many years without any problems. Some specimens lose their lower leaves with age and become unattractive; they are replaced with new ones obtained by cuttings. When grown indoors, it can clean the air of harmful impurities.