Family. Verbenaceae.
Origin. Central and South America, Western India.
Description. Duranta is an evergreen shrub or small tree with drooping or creeping branches. The leaves are oval, ovate, 2 - 7 cm in length, located on the stem in opposite pairs or in whorls of 1-3. The leaf blades are sometimes finely toothed along the edges. The stems of some species have sharp axillary spines that appear on mature plants. Inflorescences are axillary drooping racemes up to 15 cm long with spectacular white, light blue, purple, lavender flowers with a diameter of about 1.5 cm. The flowers are tubular with five petals. There are variegated species.
Height. Up to 10 m in natural conditions, in culture it is regulated by pruning.
Care at home
Flowering time
Spring Summer. Flowers appear throughout the summer and do not fall until frost.
It is fairly easy to propagate by seeds in spring or semi-woody cuttings in summer, and by air layering in spring.
How to care
Duranta grows quickly and needs regular pruning to keep growth under control. Pruning is carried out in late winter or early spring. The plant will appreciate being outdoors in spring and summer. Remove fading inflorescences.
Adapts well to most soil types. Provide the bush with moist, nutritious, well-drained soil with a moderately acidic pH.
Adult specimens are replanted every 2-3 years; for large tub bushes, the top layer of soil is simply replaced with fresh substrate in the spring. When replanting, it is necessary to trim off diseased roots.
Containment temperature
From spring to autumn - normal room temperature. In winter, during the dormant period, place in a cooler place with a temperature of about 16°C.
In autumn and winter, try to provide the most illuminated location. In summer, shade from the scorching rays during the day. Lighting directly affects the abundance of flowering.
During the growing season, feed 2 times a month with standard liquid fertilizers. At the end of July - August, use fertilizers with low nitrogen content. Stop feeding during the winter dormancy period.
Can tolerate dry indoor air, but it is best to mist the leaves periodically to prevent pests.
Tolerates short periods of drought, but during periods of active growth it is important to water frequently. During the dormant period, the plant requires less moisture and watering should be reduced.
Pests and diseases
Leaf spotting, rotting due to stagnation of water.
Among the harmful insects, the flower can be attacked by whiteflies, spider mites, mealybugs, scale insects, and aphids.
The leaves and berries contain toxic substances; keep this plant away from small children and pets. The flower releases special substances into the air - phytoncides, which help fight bacteria and viruses.
Duranta plumieri
Attractive flowering shrubs with a height of 1.5 m to 3 m. The stems are long, branched, often drooping; young shoots may have slight pubescence. The leaves are arranged oppositely, on short petioles, and have an oblong-lanceolate or elliptical shape. The leaf blades are dark green, glossy, 5-7 cm long. During the flowering period, the plant adorns itself with large apical or axillary inflorescences - racemes with many bright, purple-white flowers. After flowering, round orange berries may form.
Duranta erecta
Tall shrubs or even small trees up to 6 m high. The shoots are abundantly branched, form a dense, spreading crown, and have small spines in the axils of the leaves. The leaves are green, glossy, oblong-oval or lanceolate, on short, finely pubescent petioles. The leaf blades reach a length of 5–8 cm and have small denticles along the edges. During the flowering period, large inflorescences appear near the tops of the stems - drooping racemes with bluish, blue or purple, less often - white flowers. The plant has very abundant and long-lasting flowering.
Duranta 'Geisha girl'
Multi-stemmed, round, evergreen, flowering shrubs 2.5 - 3 m high. Stems are long, thin, often drooping. The leaves are glossy, dark green, up to 5 cm long, with small teeth along the edge. The leaf blades may be slightly bent along the central vein. The variety is characterized by abundant and long flowering. During the summer months the bushes form large clusters with bright purple and white flowers.
Duranta lorentzii
Flowering evergreen shrubs with drooping, thin, abundantly branched shoots. The leaves are lanceolate, glossy, green, on short petioles. A distinctive feature of the plant is its delicate white flowers, collected in large clusters at the top of the stems.