

Where does it grow? Ceylon, India, Southeast Asia.

Description. Cardamom is a perennial herbaceous plant with erect stems up to 6 m high, bearing large, oval or sword-shaped, opposite, dark green leaves 40-50 cm long, located on short petioles about 2 cm long. The underside of the leaf blade is usually lighter than the top and has slight pubescence. Pale green, white with red and purple veins, flowers are divided into male and female, collected in inflorescences - panicles on high peduncles rising from the ground, directly from the rhizome. The fruits are pale green, turn yellow when ripe, have an oblong-oval shape.

Height. In its natural habitat, cardamom can reach a height of 6 m. In indoor cultivation, when grown in pots, it is rarely 1 m. It grows quite quickly.


Planting and care

Growing temperature

Room temperature is suitable for keeping this plant all year round. Cardamom is a tropical plant that loves warmth. The optimal temperature is 22 °C, but the bush can withstand short-term cold spells down to 14 °C if stored in dry soil.

Pests and diseases

The rhizome rots when there is excess moisture. The edges of the leaves turn yellow when there is a lack of moisture, too cool or exposed to direct sunlight. Brown leaf tips indicate overwatering.

Among the pests, the flower can be attacked by spider mites and scale insects.


Cardamom does not tolerate direct sunlight. Place it in partial shade or in a well-lit area without direct sun. Variegated varieties require more light or their leaves will fade.

When blooms 

In indoor culture it blooms quite rarely. Summer. 


How to grow

Cardamom is relatively easy to grow on a windowsill. Remove yellowed leaves and old shoots, and pinch the tips of young stems to encourage abundant branching and a bushier appearance.


Loose, nutritious soil with good drainage and pH in the range of 6.1 - 6.6.


From April to August, feed with liquid fertilizer containing phosphorus and potassium every two weeks.


Large cardamom leaves do not fade in water for a long time and can be used as a bouquet arrangement.


Air humidity

Does not like drafts and sudden temperature changes. Place the pot away from heating devices. The plant needs spraying. You can also use a room humidifier or place the flower on a tray with wet pebbles to increase humidity.


Water deeply while growing, but allow the soil to dry out before watering again. During the dormant period, reduce watering so as not to dry out the earthen ball. Be sure to drain excess water that accumulates in the pan after watering.


Replant at the end of winter - beginning of spring if the pot has become too small for the plant.


Cardamom is usually propagated by cuttings, as well as by dividing adult large plants, with each division having at least one stem and roots. Seeds sown in spring. 


The dried fruits and seeds of the plant are used in preparing dishes from rice, meat, and vegetables. Whole and ground cardamom is added to drinks and confectionery.
